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Sept 29 to Oct 3
Kansas City Missouri Police Department Regional Police Academy
6885 NE Pleasant Valley Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64119

​4O Hours of CEU'S Missouri P.O.S.T. Approved


Regional Use of Force Conference

This is a SAVE THE DATE Announcement.

Location, Date & Times Confirmed.
Electives will be announced later.

Instructions for Attendee's

Monday: Respond to 6885 NE Pleasant Valley Rd. , KCMO, 64119

Upon Entering, turn right to stairs or elevator to 3rd floor, Room 301.

After Lectures and Paperwork, remaining day will be in the Gymnasium on the bottom floor.

Gym mats will require either socks or wrestling/mat shoes. No Street Shoes on Mats.

No duty belt or handcuffs are required.


Tue-Wed: Report straight to the gymnasium. 


Thursday and Friday: Upon Entering, an overhead screen will direct you to your specific classroom. Electives to be announced later.

5-Day Conference -  Kansas City, Missouri Police Academy


​Our newest Defensive Tactics Instructor Program is a brand new approach to Defensive Tactics. It incorporates modernand realistic techniques based on a wide range of martial arts disciplines
drawing heavily on Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu. These techniques are delivered in a
scientifically based teaching methodology that enhances learning and
retention. We are in a new era, where now Officers are not just concerned
with taking control of a suspect, but also defending themselves against
assault. These issues are addressed in this program.

Monday through Wednesday will train the Defensive Tactics Instructor in the following areas:

Joint Locks, Common attacks against Officers including strikes and standing
grappling, Body Lock and Joint Lock Takedowns, Transitions to Handcuffing, and
compliant and non compliant Handcuffing Techniques.

Thursday and Friday will be elective courses. If this is a first time taking our program, it is highly recommended that Emergency Ground Survival is taken on Thursday.


When:  0800-1700 Hours

Where: Kansas City Missouri Police Academy 6885 NE Pleasant Valley Rd. - Kansas City, MO 64119


  $900 Per Instructor for 5-Day Course

  $180 Per Day - Individual Courses
Email for registration information.


ACCT's contact the office via email or phone for discount code.


Mon-Wed: Core Essentials (Gym)


Electives Days
To be announced later.
To request a specific certification course, send us an email.


No group rates exist, however numerous people have been satisfied with the below hotel in the past. 


 Fairfield Inn & Suites by Marriott Kansas City Liberty

 8101 N Church Rd, Kansas City, MO 64158


May 15 - LVNR - Sandy Springs, GA - (CLOSED SEMINAR)

Sep 29 - Oct 3 - Fall Conference - Kansas City, MO
- Enrollment pending Electives Selection

National Law Enforcement training Center

© 2024 National Law Enforcement Training Center

6885 NE Pleasant Valley Rd.
Kansas City, MO 64119
(816) 287-2388

NLETC Patch - V06 - 2025-01.png

The NLETC was incorporated in 1981. The Company was reorganized as a 501(c) (3) not-for-profit corporation in 2007.  The NLETC is currently served by an Executive Board of Directors.


The NLETC conducts reasonable use of force training and consultation utilizing an international cadre of professional instructors; serving Law Enforcement, Corrections, Security and Military clientele.


The NLETC is dedicated to providing reasonable; court defensible use of force training that prepares officers to protect their communities professionally and skillfully.


The NLETC is the sole source provider of the LVNR®, the only system of neck restraint with a 44-year history with no deaths, serious injury or litigation associated with its use.

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