BJJ - 911
This 5 day P.O.S.T. approved program which will result in a Defensive Tactics Instructor having a base understanding of how to use Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu techniques to survive both standing and ground attacks. This program is designed to give a Defensive Tactics Instructor realistic and easy to teach techniques that allow Officers to survive and overcome ground based attacks as well as control and subdue a subject when the altercation has gone to the ground. In addition this program offers techniques to defeat common standing attacks against an Officer that would result in him being taken to the ground. This program uses the principles of Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu to teach the Instructor safe and effective tools to survive a ground encounter. This program was designed to allow Officers of all sizes to learn tactically sound leverage based techniques that result in Officers gaining control of the suspect with a much lower degree of injury then other approaches to suspect control. This class was designed by lead instructor, Brazilian Jiu-Jitsu Black Belt David “Vava” Littlewood along with Robert Bragg, Sgt. Stuart Salomon and Sgt. Lee Richards(Ret.) This System has been designed and tested by Officers of all sizes, to make sure that the techniques are applicable to all statures and builds. The system has also been tested with tactical gear on Officers, to ensure that the techniques can be effected when wearing gear.
Course Length: Five 7-hour work days (1 hour lunch)
Equipment needed: Casual or athletic clothing, footwear, and handcuffs.
Materials provided: Online Text

30-Hour P.O.S.T. Instructors Course
Due to the amount of physical effort required during this class, we limit the daily work to 6 hours per day. We have found that more then that, decreases retention of the techniques.